Our Services
From initial concept to final conveyance, IFR offers the most comprehensive design and manufacturing in soft returnable packaging.
As our current clients know: Relying on one, innovative, trusted source for your complete packaging needs maximizes efficiency and cost effectiveness.
Custom Engineered Design Concepts
With just a sample part of CAD Data, a description of your desired conveyance system, and the number of parts in the pipeline, we can provide you with a concept drawing.
Rapid Prototyping
With an approved concept, prototype samples are produced and delivered quickly for your testing.
Quality Manufacturing
We manufacture the fabric dunnage products that we design! No middle-men. Bottom line: you have assured the highest quality product every time. We inspect 100% of our products prior to shipping. Our engineering and manufacturing systems are ISO 9001-2000 registered.
Program Management
We provide turn-key solutions, including comprehensive design, prototyping, manufacturing, and delivery for all segments of your supply chain. Delivered to meet the specifications of the project and meet your returnable packaging needs.